“The way you live in your home and the way
you sell your house are two different things.”

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Call: (813) 625-2291 today!

Timing might have a lot to do with things....
but any owner desperately trying to sell their house, or any real estate agent desperately trying to help them will tell you that when the time is right, if you're not poised for success and your house is not looking its best, time may just fly right on by you...carrying your potential buyer away with it. That's why it's crucial you set the stage early for a quick and successful home sale by creating excitement and interest in your home. You need to highlight its best features and emphasize its charm, while also de-cluttering and de-personalizing it so that you minimize distractions for a potential buyer. Proper staging will give that potential buyer the ability to envision moving right in with their own family and building a nest!

As Barb Schwarz, founder of stagedhomes.com says, “The way you live in your home and the way you sell your house are two different things.”  When sellers are ready to move, their home becomes their house – a product for sale.  Buyers need to be able to mentally “move-in” upon viewing your house and make it their own home.  Many buyers have difficulty visualizing what life would be like for them in your home if too much of your own personality is stamped into it. Staging helps give potential buyers the ability to visualize living in your house and making it their very own home.

I would love the opportunity to help you sell your home quicker and easier with my home staging techniques and expertise!



16549 Forest Lake Drive • Tampa, Florida • Office: (813 ) 625-2291 • Fax: (866) 895- 9708
EMAIL: temple@smithstaging.com
Copyright 2007, Smith Staging & Design. All Rights Reserved.

Website Designed & Produced by

Michelle Nault & Associates